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Report digital is a small independent picture library which brings together a diverse group of photographers in depicting the contradictions of contemporary life in the UK and those of a globalized world. We are also developing an Archive showing social history from 1940s onwards through the crises of the 1970s & 1980s to today with photos from the Report/IFL Archive, NLA, Exile Images and a number of significant individuals' collections. Clients can filter their searches by Category, Region, etc. Low resolution comp images are available as are high resolution files by direct downloaded at your convenience or by order. Subjects available include: current affairs, work, economy, trade unions, health, education, politics, social issues, refugees, environmental issues, culture. Photography clients include newspapers, magazines, websites, book publishers as well as educational resource producers. NGO's such as charities, campaign groups and Trades Unions. HD Video footage clients include News and current affairs programmes, BBC, RT, NBC Universal, Theatre companies and Ipad publishers. All content on this site is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved. We license content for Journalistic, Artistic or Literary purposes. The site is powered by Infradox
Harris,John Hurd,Jess Cagnoni,Stefano Sturrock,John
Report/IFL Archive NLA Exile Images
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