Scott collection
Armagh County Museum
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Christmas shelter 1977-80
David Hoffman

Crisis at Christmas charity shelter for homeless 1977. As many hostels close over the Christmas period Crisis have set up shelter, originally in disused churches, feeding and caring for many hundreds of homeless people over the holiday.

Crisis at Christmas charity shelter for homeless 1977. As many hostels close over the Christmas period Crisis have set up shelter, originally in disused churches, feeding and caring for many hundreds of homeless people over the holiday.

Crisis at Christmas charity shelter for homeless 1977. As many hostels close over the Christmas period Crisis have set up shelter, originally in disused churches, feeding and caring for many hundreds of homeless people over the holiday.

Crisis at Christmas charity shelter for homeless 1977. As many hostels close over the Christmas period Crisis have set up shelter, originally in disused churches, feeding and caring for many hundreds of homeless people over the holiday.