Scott collection
Armagh County Museum
Four Corners Archive
Four Corners

Camerawork Magazine, Issue 01, 1976
Harrow Local History Collection & Archive
Harrow Council
Harrow Museum Trust
Harrow Museum Trust

Report digital
Report digital
ACOR Photo Archive
American Center of Oriental Research (ACOR) Jordan

Great Mosque of Damascus, Syria. Jane Taylor collection. 1978. ACOR.

Salesmen in As-Salt city, Jordan. Rami Khouri collection. 1982. ACOR.
Cunard archive
Special Collections & Archives, University of Liverpool Library
Terry Bennett Collection Of Early Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos Photographs
Terry Bennett

Unknown Photographer, Ou-Ni ethnic female, Lao Cai, c.1925.

Huong Ky, 'Emperor Khai Dinh', 1921.

Charles-Édouard Hocquard, ‘Femme Annamite’, 1884-5, Woodburytype.

Émile Gsell, 'Collage of Portraits, c.1870, carte de visite.

Fernand Nadal, 'River Scene', 1920s.

Émile Gsell, 'North Library, Angkor Wat, Cambodia, c.1870.

John Thomson, 'Young Saigon Woman', c.1867-8.

Michel Huet, 'Plateaux Moi, Jeune femme [from the Da Lat region], c.1951.

Émile Gsell, 'Saigon, 3-part panorama', 1866.

Paul Gastaldy, 'Old Man', c.1931.

Émile Gsell, 'Femme du sérail du roi du Cambodge, c.1875.

Unknown Photographer, 'Married Woman, Luang Prabang, Laos', c.1950.

Vo An Ninh, 'Saigon River', 1950s.

Jules Itier, 'The Alcmene preparing to leave Tourane (Da Nang) harbour, 12 June 1845', quarter-plate daguerreotype.

Jules Itier, 'The Non-Nay Fort at Tourane (Da Nang), 12 June 1845', quarter-plate daguerreotype.