Primary Content:
Stereoscopic images from past members of The Stereoscopic Society.
Early self made stereo cards and comment notes from other members when images were circulated in "Folios".
Many 35mm 3D slides by members, predominately 1950s onwards after the invention of the Stereo Realist camera popularised the 35mm 3D format of two slides in a single mount.
There are also a large number of 3D AV Slide shows produced by members with audio tapes making documentaries or art shows of various subjects.
Many Natural History images, or historic locations and venues, or travelogues.
There are also a number of medium format glass stereo images dating early 1900's onwards including early processes.
Approximately 60,000 images and growing.
Whitehouse, Pat; Fisher, Mike; Jackson Roy; Grove, Dr W.R.; Singleton, John;