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John St. Aubyn Photo archive

St. Aubyn Archive

old Folkestone

The girl in the little white hat

Venice (Note John titled many photos Venice! just to confuse)

Breton Craft (stereo glass slide scan)

Cunard Archive photographic collection

University of Liverpool Library - Special Collections and Archives

Launch of Mauretania II at Cammell Laird's Birkenhead. Stewart Bale Ltd. (28 Jul 1938)

The Stereoscopic Society Archive

The Stereoscopic Society

Cunard archive

Special Collections & Archives, University of Liverpool Library

Terry Bennett Collection Of Early Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos Photographs

Terry Bennett

Unknown Photographer, Ou-Ni ethnic female, Lao Cai, c.1925.

Huong Ky, 'Emperor Khai Dinh', 1921.

Charles-Édouard Hocquard, ‘Femme Annamite’, 1884-5, Woodburytype.

Émile Gsell, 'Collage of Portraits, c.1870, carte de visite.

Fernand Nadal, 'River Scene', 1920s.

Émile Gsell, 'North Library, Angkor Wat, Cambodia, c.1870.

John Thomson, 'Young Saigon Woman', c.1867-8.

Michel Huet, 'Plateaux Moi, Jeune femme [from the Da Lat region], c.1951.

Émile Gsell, 'Saigon, 3-part panorama', 1866.

Paul Gastaldy, 'Old Man', c.1931.

Émile Gsell, 'Femme du sérail du roi du Cambodge, c.1875.

Unknown Photographer, 'Married Woman, Luang Prabang, Laos', c.1950.

Vo An Ninh, 'Saigon River', 1950s.

Jules Itier, 'The Alcmene preparing to leave Tourane (Da Nang) harbour, 12 June 1845', quarter-plate daguerreotype.

Jules Itier, 'The Non-Nay Fort at Tourane (Da Nang), 12 June 1845', quarter-plate daguerreotype.

Terry Bennett

Terry Bennett

Terry Bennett Collection of Early China Photographs

Terry Bennett

John Thomson, Country Scene, c.1870.

Tung Hing, Yuen Foo River, Foochow, 1870s.

B.T.Prideaux, Old Man & Child, c.1918.

Jules Itier, Pon Tin Qua, Mandarin, Canton, 1844, sixth-plate daguerreotype.

Unknown Photographer, 'Shanghai Lady', 1870s.

Lai Fong attributed, 'Chinese Ladies', 1870s.

Dutton & Michaels, '3-plate Panorama of Macau', salt print, 25.4 x 112cm, 1863.

Ueno Hikoma, '4-plate Panorama of Shanghai Bund taken from the Trinity Church', 20.6 x 108.4cm, 1893.

Unknown Photographer, 'Chinese Footbinding', c.1870.

Milton Miller, 'Merchant and Family', 1860s.

Unknown Photographer, 'Peking - Hankow Railway', c.1910.

Unknown Photographer, 'Ningbo Mandarin', c.1875-78.

Max Priester, 'Bismark and Li Hung Chang in Hamburg', 1896, silver print.

Unknown Photographer, 'Chief Magistrate, Ningbo', c.1875-78.

Lai Fong, 'British Minister Wade with Chinese Staff, Peking', 1879.

Unknown Photographer, '2-plate Panorama of Wuzhou (Woochow)', hand-coloured, c.1890.

Unknown Photographer, 'British Consulate, Wuzhou (Woochow)', hand-coloured, c.1890.

A. Bogardus, 'Chnag-Yu-Sing, the Chinese Giant. Born at Pekin, 1847, height over 8 feet, weight 26 stone. Now with Barnum, Bailey & Hutchinson', cabinet card, c.1880. Shows Chang with his English wife and three of his children.

Pierre Rossier, 'Canton. Portraits of Pet Kwei, the Governor of Canton...with Commissioner Parkes', stereoview, hand-coloured, 1858-59.

John Reddie Black attributed, 'Western Gate of the Chinese City, Shanghai', c.1877.

Felice Beato, 'Interior of the Taku Fort after the Allied Attack, 21 August 1860.

George Hart attributed, 'Huang Chengzhong (Taiping military officer), 1861-62.

The Francis Frith Collection

Heritage Photographic Resources Limited

Corfe Castle, The Village And Castle c.1955

Rickmansworth, Girls In The High Street 1921

Portsmouth, The Hard 1890

Royal Horticultural Society Photographic Collection

Royal Horticultural Society

Aberdeen Art Gallery and Museums

Aberdeen Art Gallery and Museums


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