John St. Aubyn Photo archive
St. Aubyn Archive

old Folkestone

The girl in the little white hat

Venice (Note John titled many photos Venice! just to confuse)

Breton Craft (stereo glass slide scan)
old Folkestone
The girl in the little white hat
Venice (Note John titled many photos Venice! just to confuse)
Breton Craft (stereo glass slide scan)
Camerawork Magazine, Issue 01, 1976
Paul Mellon Centre Photographic Archive, PA-F00204-0101.
Great Mosque of Damascus, Syria. Jane Taylor collection. 1978. ACOR.
Salesmen in As-Salt city, Jordan. Rami Khouri collection. 1982. ACOR.
Unknown Photographer, 'Group of three Korean Officials, Chemulpo [Inchon]', c.1895.
Unknown Photographer, 'Korean Dwelling', 1890.
Unknown Photographer, 'Panorama of Chemulpo [Inchon], from Reverend Trollope's Album', 1890s.
John Alfred Vaughan, 'Japanese Troops Landing at Chemulpo [Inchon] During the Sino-Japanese War', 1894.
Felice Beato, 'Inside Fort du Coude, Shinmyangiyo', 11 June 1871.
Unidentified Photographer, 'Korean and Japanese Royalty, including Emperor Yunghui of Korea, Crown Prince Yi un, Crown Prince Yoshihito of Japan, Ito Hirobumi and others', Korea, October 1907.
Thomas Child, 'Portrait of Korean Ambassador, Beijing', c.1877.
Unknown Photographer, 'Building the Seoul-Chemulpo Railway', 1897-99.
'Reverend Trollope's Photo Album of Korea', 1890s.
Unknown Photographer, '4-part panorama of Inchon', c.1890.
Unknown Photographer, 'View of Coastal Settlement, Korea', c.1880.
Unknown Photographer, 'Korean Royalty', 1890s.
Unknown Photographer, 'Admiral Roze with Officers & Sailors on board La Guerriere,' c.1866-67.
Unknown Photographer, 'Korean Embassy to the USA', 1883.
Unknown Photographer, 'Korean Ambassador (Kim Kisu) in Japan,' 1876, handcoloured photo.